Consistency, consistency, consistency–we've all heard we need it.
But when your camera roll is filled with toddlers, cats, or photos of the spider that’s been crashing rent-free on your porch for 3 months, it can be hard to figure out what to post.
But what if posting on social media could be easy?
What if you had a store of ready-made photos and videos to post, so you could add value every day without necessarily getting out of bed or scheduling around busy meetings.
Need photos that capture your branding, a new profile picture to show off a landmark in your relationship, or want some cute photos with your new pup? I'm here for you.
Are you a fun person? Great. Let’s create some videos that show how awesome you are. Because while not everyone wants to be a "content creator," your videos can help you thrive in this video-centric digital world.
If you've ever heard yourself saying "I'm awkward with photos," I'm here for you every step of the way. From creating a comprehensive plan for the photo shoot day to giving you advice on what to wear, I've got you.
Hi, I'm Laura!
You have a secret superpower.
(Actually, you probably have many–I see you fighting the patriarchy and creating social change while managing to run a business.)
But your superpower in business–it’s called your brand.
And “brand” is so much more than just using pretty colors, or that cool font you saw on a cookie box.
Branding is about YOU, and what you stand for.
When someone works with you, they’re hiring your super special touch that’s as unique as your fingerprint.
Why? Because you’re you–and you do things with personality to give them their unique results.
So let's show off how awesome you are!